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Unlock Your Inner Lunatic: What Millions are Embracing Every Morning

Photo by Aman Krishna on Unsplash

Discover the craze of cold plunge therapy embraced by millions every morning!

By Mike Mankiewicz

I have always been excited about the prospect of being unable to move, talk, or think for at least half an hour every morning.

That’s why I joined millions of other enthusiasts and incorporated cold plunge therapy into my daily routine.

Thank you, Bradley Cooper, for pointing the way. Shoving an ice pack down my pants just isn’t enough to get me going anymore.

And when I found out Kim Kardashian was into it, I knew I needed to follow the path of someone who has embraced unique wellness practices. Not to mention an expert in life in the superficial lane.

The Sheer Joy of Cold Plunge Therapy

Stepping into a tub filled with ice water is an exhilarating experience.

It’s like a healthy version of an enhanced interrogation method.

The shock and awe of the icy plunge awaken every molecule in your body, making it a thrilling adventure into discomfort.

Why willingly subject yourself to something so extreme?

Because, apparently, it improves circulation, reduces inflammation, and boosts the immune system.

The invigorating sensation of hypothermia coursing through your veins may seem contradictory, but many swear by its benefits.

The Mental Gymnastics and Camaraderie

Cold plunge therapy is not just about physical benefits; it’s a mental challenge too.

Convincing yourself that freezing water is amusing and rewarding requires mental gymnastics akin to Charlie Brown trying to kick a football held by Lucy.

Despite the discomfort, there’s camaraderie in huddling together with fellow enthusiasts.

It’s like a dysfunctional family reunion at the North Pole, bonding over temporary discomfort and strange noises that could pass for penguin calls.

Embracing the Icy Embrace of Agony

Here’s to cold plunge therapy! Why settle for lukewarm comfort when you can dive headfirst into the icy embrace of agony?

It’s not for everyone, but for those of us who enjoy a bit of frostbite with our morning routine, it’s the ultimate wake-up call.

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